Reality Manifestos - Can Dialectics Break Bricks?

A study of détournement as Art Forms


Museum Halls, WUK, Währinger Straße 59, 1090 Wien

Symposium from 19 - 20 January 2012. (Exhibition at Kunsthalle Exnergasse 19 January - 3 March 2012)

Lectures at the Symposium

Feminist demands to curating… On the distribution of the gaze

by Dorothee Richter

The term feminism has gained substantial weight in the academic sector and is now seen as a discipline of its own, so to say (which also has the effect of restraining and taming it), but at the same time in the art world feminism remains slippery ground. Ground it is dangerous to step on, on which you can trip and fall. Positions identified as feminist can still be labeled and thus marginalized, or on the contrary made marketable in the short-term.

Dorothee Richter, born in Ludwigsburg, is head of the Postgraduate Program in Curating at the School of Art and Design Zurich (HGKZ). She also initiated the Curating Degree Zero Archive together with Barnaby Drabble. The archive, which examines critical approaches to curatorial practice, was reinterpreted and extended together with artists, curators and designers and has been touring since 2003. |